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Are You New? 

Sunday Worship Times
Our Location
On the Fast Bus Route
Open and Affirming

Sunday Worship Times

Holy Eucharist

Sunday, 8:00am, Spoken Liturgy, Holy Eucharist

Sunday, 10:15am, Liturgy with music, Holy Eucharist

Thursday, 11:30am, Healing Service, Holy Eucharist (in the chapel)


Find us in Royal Oak

Find us at 26998 Woodward Avenue on the southeast corner of Woodward and 11 Mile Road in Royal Oak, MI. See map here.

Our main parking lot behind our building can be accessed from 11 Mile or Hendrie Blvd. Enter through our main vestibule off the parking lot. On Sundays, you will be greeted and shown to the sanctuary. 


We are on the FAST Bus Route

It is easy to get to us. We are the the FAST Bus Route that runs on a Sunday schedule. Buses come every half hour from Detroit and Pontiac. The fare is $2.00 one-way far. 50 cents for seniors.


See the Woodward Limited Schedule here.

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We are Open and Affirming

We are a diverse and friendly church with single, partnered, divorced, separated, married, widowed, straight, gay, lesbian, bi-sexual, transgender, white collar, blue collar, student, retired, self-employed, unemployed, under-employed, and of all ages, ethnic groups, and races. We are third-generation members, and folks brand new to St. John's and the Episcopal Church.

Everyone is welcome. Everyone belongs.  Really.

Our Welcoming and Affirming Statement can be found here.

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What to Expect

Greeters will welcome and guide you; an usher will give you a bulletin to guide you through the service.

You'll see nearly every style of clothing at St. John's. You can sit in the main section of the church or in the east transept to the right of the altar. Please sit where you feel comfortable. We look forward to meeting you.


All are Invited to Communion

Everyone who comes to the altar seeking Christ will be welcomed. This is God's table and Christ is our host at this feast.

The bread used for Holy Eucharist at St. John's is gluten free.

If you are unable to come to the altar for Communion, we have a barrier-free station or notify an usher and we will bring Communion to you.

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Children are so Welcome!

For our littlest ones...

  • Children with their wiggles and energy are so very welcome in church during services.

  • Activity bags of soft toys are available to borrow at each entrance.

  • A respite room overlooking the sanctuary is available for parents and children to hear and see the service


Sunday School and Youth Groups

Sunday School during the 10:15am Service

  • Children (4 years old through 5th grade) join Sunday School teachers on the third floor just before the 10:15am service starts. Parents are always welcome to accompany their children to Sunday School. The children rejoin their families at the mid-pint of the service just before Communion. Children of all ages are welcome to receive communion.

  • Our Youth Groups (grades 6th-12th) come to the worship service, receive Communion first, and then join leaders on the third floor for Youth Group, which ends at 12:15pm. Visiting youth are always welcome to come.


Do you have more questions?

We really want you to feel at home, so if you need more information, please call the church offices at 248-546-1255, contact us, or email our Priest in Charge, Rev. Gerardo Aponte-Safe.


The Parish Office is open from 10:00am - 4:00pm, Monday through Friday. We will respond to your email or voicemail as soon as we can.

What to Expect
Children are so Welcome
Need More Information
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